General Ledger: ‘Line.. Unable to import a debit amount - .. with more than two decimal places.’ error importing cashbook or GL Journal batch

Learn how to fix the ‘Line.. Unable to import a debit amount - .. with more than two decimal places.’ error importing cashbook or GL Journal batch, in Sage 200 Evolution.

Click this link for more information.

  • Hi Bennie

    I hope you are well

    When doing this on a csv file to import into a journal batch - When saving the csv file again - It removes the TEXT format and I receive the same error again when trying to import

    This is happening on all clients that we have recently upgraded to V11.1.3

  • Hi Bennie

    I hope you are well

    This appears to be happening on all clients we have upgraded to V11.1.3.

    I have tried this solution and the columns save back as General when they are saved to csv again therefore failing on import into a General Journal Batch.

  • in reply to Jessie Fivaz

    Hi Jessie

    Yes, thanks. I've also discovered the same Slight smile

    Sorry about misleading you, but I will have to archive the archive the KBA! 

    At this point, it may be that your import error is perhaps due to a software bug.

    I will therefore first test it myself and then update you further.

  • in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Jessie

    As per my earlier mail sent to you on Thu 16 January 2025:

    The only practical workaround at this stage for the Journal batch import error is to do the following: 

    1. Remove all decimals from the import file
    2. Import the file
    3. Copy the actual values from the import file and paste them into the transaction lines

     Otherwise, you should upgrade to Evolution version

    Please accept my apologies again for the wrong advice in the KBA, but it's now been corrected.