Payroll opening balances


I took over a payroll in November and added the YTD payroll amounts in the Default payslip processing tab. However, the opening balance amounts do not print in the Monthly Analysis report. It also does not get included in the tax totals of the IRP5 certificates, but the opening balance amount is included in the 3699 Gross Remuneration amount in the IRP5 checklist report. The IRP5's are out of balance for income, although the PAYE, UIF and SDL amounts are correct.

How do I get Pastel Payroll to recognize and include the opening balance amounts in the reports? I have already proceeded to subsequent pay periods. Is it possible to activate the inclusion of the opening balance amounts now, after pay period updates done in the meantime?

Or, will I have to manually edit all IRP5 certificate amounts before filing them to SARS?