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Patch release | Sage VIP Premier 6.2b: Kenya iTAX P10 Return v26.0.7 and ASCII Generator fix

A patch file is now available on the Sage Portal for Sage VIP Premier Release 6.2b.

Included in the patch file:

  • Kenya: New iTAX P10 Return template (version 26.0.7)
  • ASCII Generator: Fix where no data generates using the functionality


Take note:


How do I download and install the patch files?

Take note: It is always recommended to perform a full system backup before extracting any new program files to your application.

  • Access the Sage Portal
  • Click on Product Updates
  • Select your payroll product Sage VIP Premier
  • Select Release 6.2b
  • Scroll down and locate Patch 1 for Release 6.2b (released 16 August 2024)  in the Patch Files / Tax Files section

  • There are separate patch files for 32-bit and 64-bit systems, please ensure you download and install the correct patch file)
  • Extract the contents of the .ZIP file to you system folder, and select to overwrite the existing files