C19 Ters Claims - Convert to Leave Days


Good day,

I need assistance with the C19 Ters UIF Claims. We submitted our claims and received the money. My question is, what options do I have when paying the money out to the Employees. How can we apply the money.

Can I convert the amount paid by the UIF into leave days and then reduce the compulsory leave days and in effect reducing the unpaid leave days. And if I can do this what is the correct rate to use? I would then Do an earnings line UIF and a Deduction Advance. Can I do I like that.  I have been trying to get telephone support but gets cut off, ideally I would really appreciate it if I could speak to a consultant to explain exactly our situation. I am unable to get through to anyone. I am using the 012 420 7000 number. Maybe there is another number I can use?

Please help I need support on the above?