Your preparation of your payroll for submission will ensure that your employee records and certificates have been validated and financial values have been reconciled.
Certain payroll information is used when exporting the IRP5 files and errors can arise if the data is incorrect. The steps below will guide you to check and validate the payroll information to eliminate possible errors and issues:
The RSA Submission Tool provides these steps in a structured manner to complete the full submission process.
Submission on the correct application version is required to ensure the export file is aligned with the specific tax year Business Requirement Specification.
Ensure your company and contact details are correct
Run the validation report to highlight any possible submission errors to correct for your employees,
Validate all additional information on your employees to ensure the records are correct and updated
Validate all retirement fund values to ensure they are correct.
Review your employee ETI information and values for the tax year.
Confirm that the values declared and paid to SARS reconcile with the payroll values.
Only required if changes were made after payroll was finalised.
The test run will allow you to generate you payroll file to import into the SARS software.
This step will allow you to import and test your payroll file data into the SARS software.
When your Test Run file imports successfully, you are ready to submit to SARS.
Click here to continue with submission steps.
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