Cannot read passphrase file. Maybe it has been created under another operating system user:Error: Decryption error -2146893813" (with a load of files listed under it which can be supplied).

1. Ensure that syracuse is running with user that generated the certificates. As a good practice, you can use sage x3 service user for all operations when installing.

Regenerate the passphrase file if the solution above did not work

1.Log out of the system

2. Login as sage service user or elevate command prompt to run as the service user

3. Navigate to ...\syracuseComponent\syracuse  (depending with install location)

4. Execute command "passphrase" 

5. Login

Nb. Point 4 will require you to enter passphrase.

  • Necroposting but if you have the following error upon a successful login to Syracuse:

    Error: Decryption error 3

    At `services.msc`, change the `Log On As` service user from `Local System` to a Sage X3 service account.

    You may hit this issue when using `servicedelete` and `servicecreate` script inside the syracuse directory.

  • Necroposting but if you have the following error upon a successful login to Syracuse:

    Error: Decryption error 3

    At `services.msc`, change the `Log On As` service user from `Local System` to a Sage X3 service account.

    You may hit this issue when using `servicedelete` and `servicecreate` script inside the syracuse directory.

  • in reply to chunheng

    Another necroposting:


    Cannot read passphrase file. It could have been created from another operating system user: Error: 
    \\?\D:\Sage\SyracuseComponent\syracuse\bin\node_modules\@sage\syracuse-lib\src\streamlineLib\etna-certificates\bin\win32-x64-108\crypt.node is not a valid Win32 application. \\?\D:\Sage\SyracuseComponent\syracuse\bin\node_modules\@sage\syracuse-lib\src\streamlineLib\etna-certificates\bin\win32-x64-108\crypt.node


    I am not sure on the cause but my solution is to reinstall the Syracuse component from scratch due to non-standard errors provided and then redo the `nodelocal.js` setup.