Changing of the Guard

1 minute read time.

Well, it's with very mixed feelings that I write my final blog here in the Simply community.  I'm staying with Sage of course and will still be working on Simply Accounting, but I've decided to take a position in our Quality Assurance department.  This means I'll be testing the software and looking for problems as it's in development instead of working on the program after its release, so it's quite a different world, even though physically I'm only going downstairs and across the hall.  I'm excited to be doing something new but will genuinely miss interacting with all of you here in the community.

Joining Kim in my place will be Nemanja, whom you may already know from Live Chat.  He's a very sharp and pragmatic technician with a reassuring personality, so I'm confident that he'll be a great fit in the community.  He'll be introducing himself within the next week or two, so watch for his new blog.

I'd like to thank all of you members for making this community the success it is, and for keeping my job interesting.  I won't say goodbye because I'll still be checking in and trolling the forums, making the odd post when I can as time permits, and hope to
see all the vibrant discussion continue.  We might even have a new little surprise coming soon...

  • Richard, Thank you so much for this comment! I will forward it to Brian if he isn't trolling the forum from his new position in QA. I'm sure he'll be appreciative of the encouragement. - and thank you for your consistent, positive, expert presence in the forum. We all learn from you and it's appreciated! Thanks again!
  • Richard, Thank you so much for this comment! I will forward it to Brian if he isn't trolling the forum from his new position in QA. I'm sure he'll be appreciative of the encouragement. - and thank you for your consistent, positive, expert presence in the forum. We all learn from you and it's appreciated! Thanks again!
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