Journal Entry Number



When posting, the journal entry notification box for some reason does not appear, and yes the box in the user preferences is checked. Any other suggestions?

  • 0
    Not sure why you need notification if your journal entry posted or not, but you can tell if it posted because all the numbers disappear on the screen and go to zero. All manual journal entries I do, I print the report and attach backup and file them for future reference. Maybe I am misunderstanding your question?
  • 0 in reply to Marj@Swab
    verified answer
    We write the journal entry number on every document that results in an accounting entry, it cuts way down on stuff that gets filed as 'entered', when it wasn't.

    And because, if there's a wreck and we have to restore our company data to a previous point in time (a rare occurrence since the 2008 conversion to MySQL) we can pull every document that needs to be re-keyed, and even record them in the exact same order. Also, when we do daily backups we put the last JE number in the filename.

    I don't know why this wouldn't be working. my only guesses are:
    - the dialog box / OK button could be appearing off-screen and clearing when you tap the spacebar.
    - The wrong checkbox is selected in the preferences screen
    - The user doesn't have some particular right to the journal so it doesn't report anything.
    - The user profile is scrambled
    - You need to turn it off and turn it back on, to clear a temporary glitch.

    Does this work in the 'Universal Construction' Sample file? If it does, but doesn't work in the company file, you may have to delete and recreate the user profile, or do a backup and run a data repair.
  • 0
    verified answer
    Hi Art

    If you already check Confirmation message is check under User preference.

    Are you on Quantum version with multi user mode, where you have Fast posting enable, Check maintenance , Unposted transactions

    If you are not using Quantum, then double check or disable and re-enable Transaction confirmation 's "Tell me when a transaction is processed or recorded successfully" option.
  • 0 in reply to Jason.
    verified answer
    Thank you for replies.

    In the end, it was Fast Posting that prevented to see the journal numbers.

    @ Marj, exactly what Randy said in the first sentence 