Limited Forms Options

Frustrated because Sage 50 can't add new data field into invoice.  When customizing a form it gives you options to add Fields, but  no way to populate those columns once you are in the invoice window.  Crazy that Quick Books allows this but Sage can't seem to add this feature.

If Sage is listening please do something about this!!

  • Gerald,

    I am confused. When customising forms, Sage 50 does not allow you to add new data fields other that what is on the list under the Add Data Field button. Are you just talking about the ability to put text fields or labels on the printed invoice?

    If you really are talking about adding the columns that are listed in the Columns options, then you can populate all of them on the data entry screens.

    What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Maybe there is an option...maybe not but if we knew what you are trying to do, we might be able to help.
  • in reply to Richard S. Ridings
    I have a very specific need for my invoices to my customers to have 2 extra columns.
    Ticket # and Driver name.
    My customers need this info on their invoices and other than manually writing them in every time I want to be able to fill those spots into invoice on my screen.
    1 customer may have 18 different drops on 1 invoice and each one needs a ticket 3 and Driver ID

  • in reply to Gerald B
    Because they are needed on each line, then yes, they need to be in the columns. You have not indicated if you use all the columns on the data entry screen or if you use the Description for anything specific (normally I would just use the Unit field for the Ticket # and Description for Driver Name). Therefore my suggestion here is a little blind and assumes you do not use all the columns.

    I would suggest you use the Item column for the driver name and the Unit column for the Ticket #. This assumes you will use the real Description column for something else.

    You can enter all your drivers as Service Item codes and change the Unit as you tab through the fields. You can then still use the Qty and Unit price fields as necessary (or ignore them).

    On the printed invoice customisation screens, click the Columns button and change the column header from Item or Part Number to Driver and the Unit column label to Ticket #.

    Do the data entry as you normally do understanding that Sage programmers do not allow us to change the labels on the data entry screens.

    If you don't use the Description for anything specific, then you can still set up Service Item codes but put the Driver Name in the Item Description. If you have a driver named Bob Smith then you can set up an item called BS and Bob Smith will show up in the Description column when you use it. Just rename the Description column label on the printed invoice to Driver Name.

    Oh, and yes it would be nice if we could add new fields, but we can't.
  • in reply to Richard S. Ridings
    I can't use the Unit column because the ticket # changes with every driver that drops. If I create an entry for every driver then how would I also charge for an inventory item on that same line.
    PO also changes for each load.

    Example below
    Item Qty PO # Ticket # Driver Tax Unit $ Amount

    Clean Bundle 25 31525 E56862 Sam G $2.60 $65.00
    Clean Bundle 30 31529 E56885 Ted G $2.60 $78.00
    Dirty Bundle 45 31618 E56900 Ryan G $4.60 $207.00
    Clean Bundle 55 31700 E56905 Sam G $2.60 $143.00

    Any suggestions would be helpful. I am very familiar with Sage 50 and how the forms work and I don't see any solution unless I can add a column that I can also populate on my invoice screen.

  • in reply to Gerald B

    Gerald B said:
    Any suggestions would be helpful. I am very familiar with Sage 50 and how the forms work and I don't see any solution

    Nor do I, other than using another system to do most of the work, including printing the invoice.  It would have to keep track of all that in a database or other external system and paste or import the text into the description.  The only way to store all that data in Sage 50 is to mash what should be multiple data fields into the one description field, with a lot of manual editing effort.

    What you're doing is not uncommon, it's basically putting multiple invoices (tickets) into a single summary invoice that's more of a statement.  Sage can't do that,  If you're going to split them up by ticket, you could break them out like:

    Ticket # 12345 Samwise Gamgee

    Clean Bundle 25           $xxxxx

    Attach labels  x 5          $xxxxx

    RFID tags x 25              $xxxxx

    Ticket #  12387 Ted X 

    Clean Bundle 25           $xxxxx

    Attach labels  x 5          $xxxxx

    Gerald B said:
    how would I also charge for an inventory item on that same line.

    You would need custom software.