Auto w/d made in 1 company to cover 2 companies.


I'm having trouble wrapping my head around what I should do here.  Working with 2 companies/2 bank accounts, etc.  We have set up auto w/d for payments, but the total is combined and it is taken from only the one account. Any idea on how I can separate these entries properly? I know I'm totally overthinking this, and I am new-ish to the Sage world.

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    You will need an account in each company's set of books called "due to/from <the other company> .  Set them up as current asset or current liability accounts.  

    In the company that has the autowithdrawal, make a vendor invoice for the amount that belongs to the other company and post it to the due to/from account, no taxes.  Now you can show the payment coming out of bank in that company.  

    In the other company set of books, where there are unpaid vendor invoice, make a negative vendor invoice for the amount that was paid from the other bank account, post it to the due to/from account, no taxes.  Go to the pay vendor bills screen and match up that negative invoice with the outstanding invoices that were paid out of the other company, for a net zero payment

  • 0 in reply to AmyGurl

    Thank you so much for your reply!