Bank Rec Statement End Balance and Unresolved aren't matching


I've had an amount left unresolved for November bank rec which I haven't been able to figure out so I have reversed my last reconciliation (Oct) and started again.

Oct opening and end balance in Sage 50 matches my bank statement before I've started my Oct reconciliation. I ticked/reconciled all Oct transactions and unresolved is now at zero. So I post the Oct rec.

Then the opening and end balance in Sage 50 matches my bank statement for Nov 1 to Nov 30. Before I even start my reconciliation with no transactions ticked/reconciled, my unresolved is not a negative match to my statement end balance. There is a difference of approx $5,068.39. 

I've never had this before and I don't want to proceed with the reconciliation knowing that it will be out this much at the end (at least).

Any suggestions on what I can do to resolve?

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    did you make any adjustments in the month of November?  If so there will be an entry on the opposite side in your bank rec. 

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    perhaps you have a deposit or more deposits than payment total that would caust the amount to be a positive number. Also if you have your bank statement try  leaving the ending balance with no amount in it. then tick off about 3 entries from your bank statment and use the running total amount on your bank statement ( the bank total amount on the statement at the point where the bank shows the first 3 entries. eg; for your ending balance only put the balance as at november 1st or s2nd from your bank statement. and see it it is resolved to that point. then save ( DO NOT POST) just save it and then add 3 more entries and so on... This will help you find where you are out. Hope you understand. Let me know if this works. PS if you have " do not show corrections checked off" uncheck it.. it could also be a correction missing the other side of the reversal.