Linked accounts.

I have a Linked account that I can not un-link. I have tried to change it to another account, deleting it, but still I can not access the account in Journal Entry. It is not linked to any other accounts. Can you help?

  • Can you help?

    Sorry, not really with the information you have provided.

    If you can't use an account in the General Journal, it is linked somewhere.  The account name and number will help us identify where you can look.  Any error message you get may help.

    Have you checked all Linked Account options in the Setup, Settings area?

    Do you have any modules that are hidden?  They may have the account linked in there.  Setup, User Preferences, View to turn them back on then Setup, Settings for the linked accounts.

    Have you checked all Inventory Asset Account links?  Run the Inventory Summary Report by Asset to see if it will show there.

  • in reply to Richard S. Ridings

    Thank you Richard. I have checked and unlinked the account in Payables, Receivables, and it is not linked in Inventory. I have checked the Linked Wizzard. It is a bank account. This Sage 50 is being used by my church and I have just taken it over. there are data inconsistencies noted in Data Integrity having to do with Vacation pay payable and it looks like it has been there for a couple of years so restoring from backup is not an option. Perhaps the only way is to start over with a new slate.

  • in reply to Arne Poulsen

    If you are trying to unlink an account for Vacation Payable, why are you looking for the linking of a bank account?

    Vacation Payable is linked in Setup, Settings, Payroll, Linked Accounts, Incomes. Vacation Owed.

    If your data discrepancy is in the Vacation Owed account and the Balance sheet liability account has the wrong value, then unlink it and post a General Journal entry to balance it with the amount owing to employees in the Payroll journal.

  • in reply to Richard S. Ridings

    To clarify. I need to make a Journal entry to my US$ Bank account and can not get the account to come up for the General Journal. I have unlinked the account from all the places where there are linked account to no avail. The Data Inconsistencies are with the Vac.Pay Owed, although the account appears to have the right numbers in it. I don't know if the two are connected through some corrupted thing in the system.

  • in reply to Richard S. Ridings

    To clarify. I need to make a Journal entry to my US$ Bank account and can not get the account to come up for the General Journal. I have unlinked the account from all the places where there are linked account to no avail. The Data Inconsistencies are with the Vac.Pay Owed, although the account appears to have the right numbers in it. I don't know if the two are connected through some corrupted thing in the system.
