Trying to Remove a Vendor - Cannot Access Entries Made in Error to Delete Them


Hi Sage City,

We have a Vendor account that was created in error. There were some payments issued and the cheques were adjusted to the correct account (fortunately a similar name but with a slight change) but the cheques now show in the cheque log with both accounts being entered with the same cheque number. 

We would ideally like to delete the account made in error, and the three payment entries that we have now allocated to the correct account. How can we do so? We tried to go into single user and remove vendor, however, we received the following message...

Please help.

Thank you, L. Stevens


  • +1
    verified answer


    I would rephrase what Alwyn said as you cannot delete a vendor/customer with an entry that is unpaid.

    You can delete customers, vendors, employees, accounts, projects but there are rules on how to delete them both imposed by the program and by logic.  The program will allow you to delete any employee but should you do this if you haven't yet cut a T4 for them?

    The warning you received just means that when you run the Vendor Aged Detail Report you still see entries.  You must use the Maintenance, Clear Data, Clear Paid Transactions , Clear Paid Vendor Transactions option first to remove any Paid transactions for that vendor before you delete the vendor.  You can choose also to remove the invoice lookup data for each entry as well or leave them (literally what you put on the vendor invoices during data entry).

    Note: "Unpaid transactions" is different than "we don't owe the vendor money".  If you go to Payments and select the vendor, do you see any invoices to be paid?  If not, then likely you can Clear Paid Transactions because all have been paid.  If you see entries, but you don't owe the vendor money, you will likely see an invoice for something like $100 and an second for -$100 that total $0.  You need to pay one against the other in the Payments module before you can clear Paid transactions and delete the vendor.

    Now, should you do this?  That is up to you.  Based on your message, your original problem was because things were entered under the wrong vendor.  i would have just used the Merge Records, Vendors option on the Maintenance menu to fix that.  Because you have manually done all the switching, you should be ok to delete the vendor if all entries were in fact taken care of.  You will NOT be able to remove the information from the Cheque Log and all original journal entries will remain or that would defeat the purpose of the Audit trail.

  • +1
    verified answer


    I would rephrase what Alwyn said as you cannot delete a vendor/customer with an entry that is unpaid.

    You can delete customers, vendors, employees, accounts, projects but there are rules on how to delete them both imposed by the program and by logic.  The program will allow you to delete any employee but should you do this if you haven't yet cut a T4 for them?

    The warning you received just means that when you run the Vendor Aged Detail Report you still see entries.  You must use the Maintenance, Clear Data, Clear Paid Transactions , Clear Paid Vendor Transactions option first to remove any Paid transactions for that vendor before you delete the vendor.  You can choose also to remove the invoice lookup data for each entry as well or leave them (literally what you put on the vendor invoices during data entry).

    Note: "Unpaid transactions" is different than "we don't owe the vendor money".  If you go to Payments and select the vendor, do you see any invoices to be paid?  If not, then likely you can Clear Paid Transactions because all have been paid.  If you see entries, but you don't owe the vendor money, you will likely see an invoice for something like $100 and an second for -$100 that total $0.  You need to pay one against the other in the Payments module before you can clear Paid transactions and delete the vendor.

    Now, should you do this?  That is up to you.  Based on your message, your original problem was because things were entered under the wrong vendor.  i would have just used the Merge Records, Vendors option on the Maintenance menu to fix that.  Because you have manually done all the switching, you should be ok to delete the vendor if all entries were in fact taken care of.  You will NOT be able to remove the information from the Cheque Log and all original journal entries will remain or that would defeat the purpose of the Audit trail.

  • 0 in reply to Richard S. Ridings

    THANK YOU, Richard. That was a great response. We have kept notes of this incident for our records. We are trying to clean up our vendor section (way too many duplicate entries as we at one time has student workers entering data) and hearing about the Merge Records option is very exciting to us. I will research into that now.

    Much appreciated!