Create a new company-Choosing Industry & Company Type



My company has two books, one is manufacturing and the other one is a pure holding company. I am creating a new book for this pure holding company in simply accounting 2014. I am not sure which industry type and company type I should choose. Anyone could help me please?


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    The Industry Type and Company Type picks which 'template' is used to set up the Chart of Accounts.

    If you use the 'Manufacturing' type template for both, you will probably have extra accounts in the Holding Company books.  

    - It's easy to mark as inactive, or delete, any unused accounts in either company.  

    - Setting up new accounts, especially linked accounts takes a fair bit of time.

    - Having more or less the same account numbering in each set of books will make it MUCH easier to enter such things as Office Supplies, Bank Charges, etc, as well as to do a consolidation (there's no mapping to do)