Issue with Cheques To Be Deposited


So I have an issue with the use of the Cheques to be deposited function on Sage. I have my bookkeeper post any cheques received to the Cheques to be Deposited account, and when I come to do a bank reconciliation, I do the deposit based on the deposit book.

All seemed to be going well, but now I have noticed there is a balance of $280.00 in my Cheques to be deposited account, when there are no cheques left to deposit. I have identified the cheques (2 of them) from April 2014, which is my previous fiscal year, unfortunately. So I checked the journal entry of the deposit to see if I made a mistake, but there was no error. I double checked the bookkeeper hadn't accidentally put the receipt through twice, she hadn't.

So these two cheques are sitting there, apparently waiting to be deposited, but the deposit has already been made and the bank reconciled. My balance sheet shows the Cheques to be deposited account with a balance of $280.00, when I know this isn't true.

Any credit I make to this account manually will have to have a corresponding debit, but there is nothing to debit without screwing up the financials in some way. I will be giving these financials to the board of directors next week and they are likely going to ask why there is a balance of $280.00 there.

Anyone experienced this before, or have an answer to my problem?

I've read a few forums here of people with the same issue, but their cheques to be deposited account had a 0 balance, but the cheques still appeared in the deposit slips. That's a bit different as it has no impact on the statements.

Any help would be appreciated.