How to add transaction description column into Aged payable report...thanks

How to add transaction description column into Aged payable report...thanks

  • If the column that you want is not available in that report, Click Help | Contact Sage | Give us your Feedback. Sign up, post your request. Wait. I'm not aware of any changes to the built-in reports, other than bug fixes and deletions of existing features (graphs, Crystal Reports integration) in the past 5 years or so.

    Or, consider purchasing a 'third-party' add-on. (XLGL, Sage Intelligence, etc.)

    If the description you mean is the 'description' column of the payable invoice, because it's a 1-to-many relationship between each payable invoice, and a line of information, it is a bit tricky to build such a query / report - but it can be done.

    If you set up 'service items' for all your expenses, (building rent, fuel by unit, each type of utility, floor wax, etc.) you can run a (detail) report from Reports | Payables | Expenses, and then use a Vlookup from the detail items back to the invoice number in an Aged Payables listing.

    But this report shows only the default description for items purchased, rather than any other text notes or additional description typed into that line.