Payment Terms and Discounts for my Vendors


One of my vendors terms are 2% 30th Month Following. So if we pay by the end of the month following, we can take that 2%. What I have in Sage for that vendor is 2% discount if paid with 59 days. Net due in 59 days. This works only because we are manually tracking our Payables. I want to move to using the Payables Report and let go of the stacks of paper!

Any advice?

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    For calculating due days and discount days for vendors that use net End-Of-Month days, we use the Aged Overdue Payables report, and train data entry people to manually calculate the number of days for a discount on each invoice.

    Under the Help menu, you can choose Contact Sage, and 'Send Feedback'. Perhaps if enough additional people send feedback, or 'vote up' one of the previous requests for this feature, Sage will consider adding this.

    In the mean time I set up custom reports for groups of vendors that we want to pay on a particular date, and Outlook tasks to remind me to check them. And paper folders for pending payables.