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  • Searching for sales Invoices

    In the "Find and Invoice" window, is it possible to add another field we can search by? I have tried looking in reports as well and not seeing what I need. There are times we would want to find all invocies that contain a certain vehicle unit number,…
  • Is there a way to search for part of a provider's name while entering an invoice?

    I do cheques for doctors. I don't get invoices, just a list of names of doctors who need to be paid for a specific event. Some of the doctors have corporations. In Quicken, I could just enter the last name and it would bring up all vendors with that name…
  • AP by Department

    How can I obtain an AP balance for each of my departments? The AP account is unlinked. I am required to submit separate balance sheets for each department. Thx. Krista
  • Duplicate Provider Accounts

    Hi. Is there a way to merge duplicate provider accounts? There has been one entry with a space in front of the name and another that is done correctly. Both have been used to record invoices and payments made. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.