Canadian Payroll - Box 52 on T4 for Pension Adjustments


Good day,

When printing employee T4 slips, there is no option in the T4 options box to select Box 52 (I have it set in my incomes and user-defined expenses, but there is no place to report it properly for CRA on the T4 module).  For anyone who has employer contributions into an RPP, the CRA requires that this information be reported in Box 52.  Having Registered Pension Plans in the workplace is a fairly common practice for many, so I am unsure why such a relevant box is being missed.  

Can somebody please shed some light on this for me?  Perhaps it is labelled under an old code, or just has a workaround for the moment???  Perhaps it is in plain sight and I've somehow completely missed it (hopefully!)? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

I need to adjust last year's T4 slips ASAP to include this - I honestly didn't even notice it wasn't on the slips when I first sent it in!

Kind regards,

Ms. Lafferski

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