SQL Tables / Invoice Payment / Journal Entries for Current & Past FYs


Working on a report for the AP team to better schedule payments for our vendors.

The Sage documentation is quite good – but there are a few gaps I’m struggling with.

Vendor Payments:

 I see that there are two sets of tables for Vendor invoices.

    1. tVenTr / tVenTrDt – Vendor Invoice Transaction Details
    2. tiTLU / tiTLULi – Invoice Lookup/Details

I have built a pretty slick week-based Supplier Aged Report using the tables from tables in A above – but even after reviewing the tables in A and the tables in B – It’s not clear to determine if a particular invoice has been paid or not – but now that I dig into B – it has a bit more info that is useful.  I’m reading online – and folks are saying there is no ‘way’ – except to programmatically sum the invoices BEFORE him to determine if he’s paid or not.  Is there a better/easier way?

Why are there two sets of tables that have, what appears to be, similar data? They do not appear to have a direct relationship.

Journal Entries:

Not 100% clear in the documentation, but I believe the Current_FiscalYear, and Last_FiscalYear are treated similarly, whereas all other older Fiscal Years become "historic" by migrating data to TableXX names.

Does that mean that Current_FiscalYear and Last_FiscalYear share tAccount and tActDpt tables - while maintaining separate JournalEntry/JournalEntryAcct Allocation tables? If not - where are the Last_FiscalYear tAccount and tActDpt equivalents?

Am I understanding this correctly?

    1. Current Fiscal = tJourEnt / tJentAct / tAccount / tActDpt
    2. Previous Year =  tjEntLY / tJEntLYA / tAccount / tActDpt
    3. Historical =  tjEHxx / tjEAHxx / tActHinf / tActHDpt
      1. * I see that historical tables link up based on the indexes found in tActHDat. I believe I understand that correctly. After rolling a year, all JE’s/Department/Accounts are migrated to HISTORIC years

Appreciate your help!

Thank you.


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    Hi Mike,

    I am wondering how you connect to the Sage 50. Do you use MySQL to open the sage 50 database file directly? 

    I am trying to customize AP reports as well. I am wondering if I am able to display the item description on my GL report. As we deal with general contractor, we want to know what kind of expenses they have been charging us (which we will type he sub-contractors' name on the item description box), so we can work with our budget more efficiently. Currently, the standard GL report run by Sage 50 can only show the vendor name, not the item descriptions.

    Appreciate your help.

    Thank you,


  • 0

    Hi Mike,

    I am wondering how you connect to the Sage 50. Do you use MySQL to open the sage 50 database file directly? 

    I am trying to customize AP reports as well. I am wondering if I am able to display the item description on my GL report. As we deal with general contractor, we want to know what kind of expenses they have been charging us (which we will type he sub-contractors' name on the item description box), so we can work with our budget more efficiently. Currently, the standard GL report run by Sage 50 can only show the vendor name, not the item descriptions.

    Appreciate your help.

    Thank you,

