Insurance Claim recording

We have had an insurance claim for an asset.   The insurance did not cover all of the damage.  We had to have a large asset item replaced and the value of this was much greater than what we were insured for.  New item 18k  Insurance paid the supplier directly a the value12k.  We paid the difference. 

Should I make an entry into the asset account to account for the difference in cost for the new item?  It is worth more that the old item.

Or do i need to create a new income account for the insurance coverage?  I only have an insurance expense account set up right now

I also prefer to have the entire purchase invoice in my accounting system so we can look it up in future years.  This means I would enter the 18k invoice and pay from the bank what we covered.  How should I cover the remaining balance paid by insurance?

I think I am overthinking this but.. Help

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    Insurance claims can be recorded in a number of ways but I prefer using two steps. The first would be to remove old Capital Asset and depreciation related to it. Then add the new Capital Asset at the cost you have expended. The cost cannot be recorded at the full value as you did not purchase the item at full cost and the insurance claim payment did not go through your financial records. You could show the full value in a note just to have it in the records. My understanding is that the proceeds from an insurance claim are never considered as revenue. I am not an accountant but I have seen a few insurance claims completed in this manner.