Do you have access to reporting in read only mode?


I have closed my business and do not need to post any new transactions into my Sage program.  I want to cancel my subscription, which I understand would mean my program is switched to read only mode.  When you are in "read only" mode do you still have access to your reports?

I tried to verify this with the sage representatives and was transferred from sales to support to sales to support to sales, where the gentleman was finally able to confirm for me that, yes, in read only mode i would still be able to use the reporting feature to view my reports but wouldn't be able to enter any new information,  Having my answer, he transferred me back to sales so I could complete the cancellation but when I told the Sales representative I wanted to cancel he said I shouldn't because I would be locked out of my program and wanted to transfer me back to one of the previous representative I had spoken with (who didn't have the answer for me) just to make sure.  When I've asked them to explain what "read only" is, they are not able to.

I'm hoping someone here may have experience they are able to share.

What is "read only"?

Will I be able to view my reports if I cancel my subscription and my account switches to "read only"?

(Have just been transferred from Sales to Support for a fourth time with conflicting answers)

Thank you