Deferred Revenue

I need to move money from a deferred account into general revenue.  The general account already includes this money, but I am not sure of what the g/l entry should be to remove it from the deferred account?  The money had been deferred from a grant, but all of the grant requirements are complete and the balance needs to move to the GOA.  My confusion is that any attempt to move the money adds it to the total, rather than just removing it as a liability.

  • 0

    when you originally booked the entry you would have posted it as a debit to something and a credit to deferred revenue.  the normal entry at the time the revenue gets "recognized" is to reverse the original entry.  so in other words, you now debit deferred revenue and credit whatever the offsetting code was that you booked to in the first place.

  • 0 in reply to Susan Quesnesl

    Yes, that is what I thought too.  Unfortunately, this particular company has been re-built twice and I have a sneaking suspicion that the original entry is long gone - the original grant goes back to before the books were even formally kept.  I was hoping there might be a linked account somewhere, but no such luck.  Thanks anyway.

  • 0 in reply to Susan Quesnesl

    Yes, that is what I thought too.  Unfortunately, this particular company has been re-built twice and I have a sneaking suspicion that the original entry is long gone - the original grant goes back to before the books were even formally kept.  I was hoping there might be a linked account somewhere, but no such luck.  Thanks anyway.
