currently all my employee records are in excel.  I am brand new to Sage 50 - Canadian edition and I am trying to import the excel records into Sage 50 employee section.....can anyone tell me how to accomplish this?

  • 0

    Hi Kjbiz,

    You can follow the link below to import the employee record as a .csv file

    Exporting and importing employees data using CSV format with Sage 50-Canadian Edition - KB10122

    Please note that no transaction or any numbers can be imported.  This is only for employee's information like name, address, birth date, etc.

    After importing, you still have to go to each employee record and key in the YTD amount of the income, deduction, etc as of the date you transfer to Sage 50.

    Hope this helps

  • 0

    Hi Kjbiz,

    You can follow the link below to import the employee record as a .csv file

    Exporting and importing employees data using CSV format with Sage 50-Canadian Edition - KB10122

    Please note that no transaction or any numbers can be imported.  This is only for employee's information like name, address, birth date, etc.

    After importing, you still have to go to each employee record and key in the YTD amount of the income, deduction, etc as of the date you transfer to Sage 50.

    Hope this helps

  • 0 in reply to Keith L

    One easy way I've found to import records into Sage 50, is to first manually add one record, then export it to a file, and open that file in Excel.  

    Once you have that, it's easier to reproduce the same format for the rest of your records, save the file, and import it.  

    You don't have to worry about accidentally importing the same person twice, as long as the name is spelled the same, duplicates will be skipped.