HST is already included in receipt.... How do I input it without adding HST again?


My apologies, I am not familiar with this program... I have always used quickbooks.   I would like input my receipts that already have HST included ... how do i do this without the HST adding to each receipt again?  Please tell me I don't I have to manually figure out HST for each receipt and enter the subtotal... 

  • 0

    Hi Tcavarzn,

    When you setup your tax code under Setup, Settings, Sales Taxes, Tax Codes, in the Tax Code Details window after clicking the tax code, please have Yes under the Included In Price column. 

    When you do the Sales Invoices and select the tax code that has tax included in price, it will automatically calculate the tax amount for you.  You can double confirm that by going to Report, Display Transaction Detail in the Sales Invoices windows. 

    Hope this help. 

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    Thank you Keith L, that has worked the HST is not included in my total any longer, but now my "Subtotal" is the same as my "Total", how can I get the actual sub total?  

  • 0 in reply to tcavarzan

    Hi tcavarzan,

    Sorry to inform you that the subtotal is based on what you enter in the table of the sales invoice.

    You can either

    1. Not print the subtotal


    2. Go to Setup, Settings, Company, Sales Taxes, Tax Codes.  For the tax coded used, under the Description column, write down tax is included in price for better indication.

    Hope this helps