adjusting Credit card payments

I have searched and cannot seem to find how to adjust a credit card payment.  When I go into payments/pay credit card bill, it won't let me pull up transactions and adjust them.  I've also found them on the transaction detail and tried to click on the source to pull up the payment transaction, but it always says "no data to report".  I can't possibly be the only person in the history of accounting to post a payment from the wrong bank account and need to adjust it, am I??

Anyone have a solution for me? And yes, I know I can do a journal entry, but just wondered the logic behind not being able to just adjust it?

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    I'm guessing Sage thinks you are the only one to make that mistake or they would have put in an adjust button when they created the feature originally.

    Right now the easiest method of correcting it is a general journal entry as you said.

    Sorry but I have given up trying to find the logic.  It is frustrating for many of us.  Hopefully someone from Sage will help you with that.

  • 0

    I'm guessing Sage thinks you are the only one to make that mistake or they would have put in an adjust button when they created the feature originally.

    Right now the easiest method of correcting it is a general journal entry as you said.

    Sorry but I have given up trying to find the logic.  It is frustrating for many of us.  Hopefully someone from Sage will help you with that.
