Simply Accounting 2011 Pro - Trial Balance out of Balance

Hi, and thank you for reading.

I have been happily using Simply Accounting 2011 Pro for many years, and I am completely satisfied with it.  I have no need to upgrade as I'm running a small holding company only.

Recently, I switched accountants and when we were completing the year end, he indicated our trial balance was out of balance by a very small amount.  This issue had somehow gone unnoticed for several years.  It was probably cased by a system failure while making an entry many years ago.

Is there a way to do a one sided entry in the G/L to correct the imbalance, or is there some other way you can suggest that I correct this trial balance out of balance error.  I tried contacting Sage Sales, but they said the product was out of date and they couldn't offer any support.  Their only solution was to sell me the upgrade, but I'm very satisfied with my current product.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. :)

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    Thanks Randy.  Great to talk to you on the phone.  As I indicated, the trial balance is out by such a small amount, I'm unsure if it's even worth fiddling with.  The amount has been consistently out the same amount for the last 8 years, and Accountants have just compensated for it when I hand over my financials at year end.  I was thinking there might be an easy way to open the Utilities Menu, and make a one sided entry in the G/L to correct the error, but it sounds like it may be a little more involved than that.

    I suspect the error was caused by a power failure when making an entry way back when, and for some reason, the year closed out that year with the imbalance in the trial balance.

    The Sage solution is to 'upgrade to the latest version, and then they'll provide one technical issue call'.  Sheesh, I guess we all have to make a living, but if it's a known issue in a past product, ya' think they'd at least have something available in their on-line knowledge base?