Gasoline HST

Need to know how to enter gas receipts and HST. As HST is included in gas price but it is never 13 % of amount paid because of other factors included in the gas price. Thanks.

  • Deepak correct me if I am wrong 

    I think the question is the Gas receipt only showing the total but not the 13% refundable HST amount right?

    If that is true, all you need just go to setup another HST Tax code.  Login as sysadmin, single user, Setup, Settings, Company, Sales Taxes,  Tax Codes, go to empty line Enter a code (I.e HI for HST included), then double click on it , you get Tax code details page, you can Select HST on Tax column, rate 13, Included in Price Yes, Is Refundable Yes.

    This tax code , you can just enter the total amount paid, and Invoice will calculate the HST amount for you.

    Hope this help

  • in reply to Jason.
    Thanks, This works when I entered parking receipt. In Gas amount, in addition to HST there are some other factors such as excise tax, carbon tax, transit tax etc.
Reply Children
  • in reply to Deepak1857
    Deepak1857, there is no need to separate out all the other taxes. They are just part of the expense and I've never seen them on the invoices before. The HST amount is what is important if your company is registered for HST and Jason's tax code setup is the easiest way to handle it.

    If there is a rounding error and the code calculation is off by a penny or so, then just hit Ctrl-Y (menu Purchases, Tax Summary for the Line) to change the tax amount calculated, while your cursor is on the line that needs changing.

    When calculating HST in the total price (eg. $40.52)

    40.52*100/113 = Expense 35.86
    40.52*13/113 = HST 4.66

    Both should be on the receipt.

    Hope this helps