How to enter regular internet expenses into Sage 50 Canadian


I am an accounting/ bookkeeping newbie so please excuse the ignorance on my part. I have a small incorporation I started up in my home and currently pay about $80 a month for home internet charges which I pay personally. I would like to apportion about 40% of this to the business. How do I go about doing this properly? Should I be the vendor or should Telus (who provides the internet service)? Should I be paying this from my business credit card and then charging the personal portion through an invoice, or should I bill my company for the internet? Thanks

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    My main issue is how to enter this monthly expense in Sage Pro 50, bookkeeping-wise. It's not something that is invoiced to my corporation either from Telus or me personally. But since the business is the main user of the internet service, I want to make sure that this expense gets attributed to the company properly on a month by month basis.
  • 0
    My main issue is how to enter this monthly expense in Sage Pro 50, bookkeeping-wise. It's not something that is invoiced to my corporation either from Telus or me personally. But since the business is the main user of the internet service, I want to make sure that this expense gets attributed to the company properly on a month by month basis.