Issue since upgrade to 2023.2

Hi Everyone,  

We use Sage 50 accounting in hybrid shared mode, it is in sync with 2 computer. 

Since the Sage update last to Sage 50 Premium Accounting (Release 2023.2) we have an issue .  If we go in Suppliers & Purchases --> Invoices --> find invoices we dates offered to make the search start on 02.10.2023 and we cannot see any date sooner.  We should be able to search with dates since 2014. 

I see also many files in the folder named "torecover" with timestamp matching the time of the upgrade.

I have opened an Incident in the portal but no one looked at it yet.

Anyone knows what can be the cause? 



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    Hi  ,

    Thanks for posting about this. Just wanted to check in, looks like our support team worked with you on ticket 800xxxx880 in July to restore a backup of your data with the missing invoice. If you are still looking for guidance, please let us know and we can try to point you in the right direction or suggest some resources or next steps.

    Warm Regards,
