The database engine has times out

I cant open my company in sage and its driving me insane!

When the window pops up to open your company - I have everything backed up on a memory stick, and when I open the folders I have created (Feb 2010, March 2010), the back up is not there. However if I go into my computer and look at what is on the stick, I can see everything.

Why can I not see it in sage???

  • 0

    HI Ashlee D,

    When you say you backed up everything on a memory stick, did you backup your data as a .cab cabinet file or you just copied the data set, which is the .sai file and .saj folder.

    If you backup as a .cab file, you will have to do restore before you can open it.  

    For database engine time out, try to configure your firewall or disable security software to see if this is the issue.

    If it is a .sai file and .saj folder, you can also copy them, paste them on your desktop and then open the data.

    In our knowledge base, you can find a couple articles related to this message.

    Hope this helps.

  • 0 in reply to Keith L

    I saved it all as a cabinet file.

    Is that wrong? Should I have backed it up as a data set?

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