Sage Sucks

Two years in a row I have had small glitches such as not allowing me to back up overiding previous back ups. 2010 Premium in 2013 so I purchased 2014 Premium.

So this week I was having trouble with invoices. It would not extend the prices, I had to input manually and multiply manually.

Through frustration and stupidity I tried finding on line the 2014.3 update, and for whatever reason I could not and kept coming up with  a message advising me that I had no support plan.

now I downloaded a 30 day 2015 trial and it would not open without modifying my existing data.

Again frustrated as I was I neglected to back up my data and fast fingers that I am I proceeded  and to my horror , too late, it upgraded my data.

I called Sage and once again all I kept getting is that  would have to spend $499 dollars for a new 2015.

I have been using this software since 1986 - Bedford accounting and then it became Simply and I would purchase a new program every 3-4 years but since Sage I have had to buy a new program, for one reason or another, almost yearly.

So Quick books is looking very tempting at this point.

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    Have a look in the folder

    C:\Users\Public\Documents\Sage Software\Simply Accounting\backups\2014

    to see if you can find your file with an appropriate date and time in the folder with your company name.  There will be a folder with the date and time in the format 2015. as in today at 3:30 this afternoon.

    You should be able to restore this in your older 2014 version.  I would restore it to a new folder completely until you know you have the correct file, then move it back to where you originally wanted it.

    BTW, I never overwrite backups, I always put the date in the filename and I never backup to the *.saj folder.

    I don't know why the program would not do the math of Qty * Unit Price = Amount but if it has been reported before, you might find something in the Knowledgebase.