Windows 10 'there was a problem with the connection manager while trying to connect please wait a few moments and try again'

Hello we are having some issues migrating Sage Simply Accounting Premium 2012 to a Windows 10 based machine.

We have been getting a 'there was a problem with the connection manager while trying to connect please wait a few moments and try again' then the program stops and does not respond.

We tried uninstalling all security software for troubleshooting purposes.

Tried re-creating the homegroup

This is two machines one Windows 10 the host machine Windows 7

Other steps we tried, updating Sage, this appeared to make the situation worse.

We ensured that the proper network discovery in windows 10 works as the defective Windows 7 unit was able to connect.

WE ensured that all updates to Windows 10 occured

We made sure that the program was set to run in Windows 7 compatibility, this made no difference.

The please wait screen will not disappear!

Does this have to do with .NET? 

Please help as year end is coming up and we need this computer up and running as quickly as possible.


Thanks for any suggestions you may have.

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    When does the error message comes up?   when try open a data on server from workstation ?  Can both server and workstation open the local sample company?

    if local sample does not work you can check Connection Manager TrayIcon status see if service is running? if not try 10226  (make sure both connection manager version is the same on both computer)

    if both local sample opens fine, could be a network issue, you can try article 10303