Inventory - retail



Create purchase order for inventory items

When inventory is received.  Purchase order is converted to invoice using packing slip number.  Invoice received un-checked

When invoice arrives - Invoice is adjusted to reflect invoice number and invoice received checked off

What this does though is create inventory in, inventory out, inventory in


When we want to do a check for how many bought & sold over a certain period.

Reports - Inventory & Services - Sales or Transactions

It includes all adjustments made so you have to go through and eliminate all adjustments made.

Is there a way to filter this report to remove adjustments?  Is there a better way to record receipt of inventory?

  • 0

    Hi ScreamT,

    Is this question in reference to a particular Sage product?



  • 0 in reply to Derek Vink

    Sage 50 Premium 2013

  • 0 in reply to ScreamT

    Hi ScreamT,

    Since your post seems to relate to how to do this specifically in Sage 50 CA, I am going to move your question to that Support Group so that other users of this product will see it and be able to offer their thoughts and insight.



  • 0


    Sorry to inform you that the Sales or Transactions reports of Inventory & Services do not have the option to hide correction.

    Alternative is that you can open the report and export it to excel for filtering.

    When you convert an order to an invoice, you can put a small letter p at the end of the packing slip number in the source box before you post it.

    After you export the report to excel, you can filter the source column by doing a Custom AutoFilter showing rows which 'does not contain ADJ' AND 'does not contain p'.

    By doing this, it will filter the first invoice which uses the packing slip number with the small letter p at the end.  It will also filter the opposite entry, which always start with ADJ.

    Hope this helps.

  • 0

    Hi Screamt

    That is as good procedure as it is possible to do, in Sage 50, to record receipt of inventory.  There's nothing built into the software that will convert the received goods transaction into a payables invoice, without the reversing transaction.

    You may be able to get some of your suppliers to send invoices electronically, which will let you skip the payables adjustment-to-add-invoice-number part of the process.

    There is not a built-in way to filter adjustments out of certain reports in Sage 50.  

    When producing custom reports directly from the data, using an ODBC connection (in Microsoft Access, LibreOffice, Simply / Sage 50 Intelligence, etc. it is usually a matter of filtering out transactions where bReversed = 1, or in the case of journal entries, filtering (in or out) by the bitmask for nType)

  • 0 in reply to RandyW

    The syntax is different in Access, here's a report I've used in LibreOffice 4:

    -- qInvoiceDetailWithHeaderNoReversedWithProjects

       `titlu`.`sName` AS `Vendor_OR_Cust`,
       `titlu`.`sPONum` AS `PO_OR_SO_Number`,
       `titrec`.`sSource1` AS `InvoiceNumber`,
       `titluli`.`nLineNum` AS `InvoiceLineNumber`,
       `titluli`.`sItem` AS `InvoiceItem`,
       `titluli`.`sDesc` AS `InvoiceDescription`,
       `tinvent`.`sPartCode` AS `CurrentPartCode`,
       `tinvent`.`sName` AS `CurrentDescription`,
       `titluli`.`sUnits` AS `InvoiceUnits`,
       `titrline`.`dQty` AS `QtyInvoiced`,
       `titluli`.`dPrice` AS `PriceEach`,
       `titrline`.`dAmt` AS `InvoiceLineItemTotal`,
       `titrline`.`dCost` AS `InventoryCost`,
       `titrec`.`nJournal` AS `JournalEntryType`,
       `titrec`.`dtJournal` AS `AccountingDate`,
       `titrec`.`sComment` AS `InvoiceComment`,
       `tproject`.`sName` AS `ProjectName`,
       `titlu`.`lAddrId`, `titlu`.`dtShipDate`,
       `titrline`.`lAcctId` FROM { OJ `simply`.`titrline` AS `titrline`

    LEFT OUTER JOIN `simply`.`tinvent` AS `tinvent` ON `titrline`.`lInventId` = `tinvent`.`lId` },
                             { OJ `simply`.`titluli` AS `titluli` LEFT OUTER JOIN `simply`.`titrec` AS `titrec` ON `titluli`.`lITRecId` = `titrec`.`lId` },
                             { OJ `simply`.`titlu` AS `titlu` LEFT OUTER JOIN `simply`.`tproject` AS `tproject` ON `titlu`.`lProjId` = `tproject`.`lId` }

    WHERE `titlu`.`lITRecId` = `titrec`.`lId` 
      AND `titluli`.`lITRecId` = `titrline`.`lITRecId` 
      AND `titluli`.`nLineNum` = `titrline`.`nLineNum` 
      AND `titlu`.`bDeleted` = 0 
      AND `titrec`.`bReversal` = 0 
      AND `titrec`.`bReversed` = 0

    The above query is read-only in LibreOffice (as it should be!!!) due to joins on non-key fields.

    I hope that helps, please post back.