Vacation Paid not showing in Payroll Journal Entry


My Vacation Paid amount is not showing in the Payroll Journal Entry which is not allowing me to post my entry. I have the accounts linked in the Settings as:

Vac. Owed - Accrued Vacation Payable

Vac. Earned - Vacation Paid Expense

Why does it still not show in the journal entry preventing me from posting the entry?

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    Hi Brenda1445:

    In the Payroll linked account section there is only one account needed for accrued vacation payable. Any vacation amount will directly affect this account in one way or another. Vacation earned will be added to the accrued vacation account, vacation paid will be reduced from this account. E.G. Vacation earned is a debit to wage expense and a credit accrued vacation payable; vacation paid out is a debit to accrued vacation payable and a credit to bank.

    Hope this helps!