BOX 56 PPIP earning on T4 is not reporting correctly


I want to bring up an issue that my company had experienced during the T4 submission this year. We received a call from CRA said the T4 submission is rejected because Box 56 PPIP (QPIP) is over the maximum amount. It should be $76500 for 2019 annual maximum insurable earnings. However Sage is reporting the entire box 14 amount on box 56. Although box 56 is not printed on EE copy of T4s, but it's included in the CRA T4 XML file.

I have reached out to Sage support, a level 2  rep was able to help and manually updated the box 56 amount and generated a new XML file. It has helped us resolve the problem for this time. However, I believe Sage should be aware and look into the issue and have it updated. Box 56 need to report at the maximum earnings just like Box 24 and Box 26.