Vacation paid out every pay period incorrect

Please help me figure out what's going on here. We are in BC, and our employees are paid out their vacation pay per cheque. An employee recently completed 5 years here, and I updated his employee card to reflect 6%. All hourly employees also have "Calculate Vacation on Vacation Paid" checked, and obviously "Retain Vacation" is unchecked. 

The 5 Year Employee emailed to say that according to Part 7 Section 58 Subsection 2(b), after 5 years he is entitled to a 2% adjustment. I've never heard of this so started looking into it and was first of all wondering if "vacation paid on Vacation" was somehow related.

But then when I ran some numbers, I'm finding that the vacation Sage has calculated his vacation time short. When calculating yearly gross by 4%, it's around $100 short over the year. When I look at the actual number with two digit decimal, it says 4%, but its actually 3.85 if expanded to 4 decimal points, so overtime and when calculating the larger sum of total gross earnings, there's a discrepancy.

So my questions:

-If Vacation is supposed to be paid on vacation, wouldn't the paid out rate end up being higher than 4% (for pre-5y employees)?

-On the Settings>Incomes chart, in the "Calc.Vac." column, should there be a check beside Vac.Paid (current isn't)

-How do I enter corrections for employees affected by these, if there are miscalculation?

Thanks for your help!

  • 0

    you are paying them vacation pay when they are taking vacation? that is what vacation on vacation means.  Example if you werent paying out vacation and someone went on vacation for a week and came back then you did payroll, you would be using their  accumulated vacation for weeks salary however you would also be paying them 6% on that amount on top. 

  • 0

    you are paying them vacation pay when they are taking vacation? that is what vacation on vacation means.  Example if you werent paying out vacation and someone went on vacation for a week and came back then you did payroll, you would be using their  accumulated vacation for weeks salary however you would also be paying them 6% on that amount on top. 

  • 0 in reply to Dewdl

    I understand what "vacation pay" means, thank you. There are two methods to pay out vacation: you can accrue it and pay it when the employee actually takes vacation time, but employees can also choose to be paid out on their bi-weekly pay cheques as ours have chosen. So they just don't get paid when they take their vacation days since they've essential been paid in advance. I just input their vacation hours so they are tracked as insurable hours within Sage. This is a valid way to handle vacation pay.

    My questions are about the discrepancy Sage is creating their vacation pay amounts. 

  • 0 in reply to JanK

    the discrepancy is the vacation on vacation tab is checked.  uncheck it and it will be correct.