Fishermen Payroll


Hi, Has anyone set up payroll to pay fishermen? Can you explain how? 


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    Hi  ,

    Thanks for reaching out. Setting up payroll for specific professions like fishermen can be a bit specialized. While we don't have an article that addresses your exact scenario, the process would be similar to setting up payroll for other types of employment, with a few additional considerations for the types of income and deductions relevant to fishermen.

    To get you started on setting up payroll generally, you can refer to our detailed articles on the process:

    1. How to set up the payroll module - This guides you through setting up linked accounts, incomes, deductions, and taxes that you'll need for your payroll.

    2. How to set up the payroll with YTD amounts - If you're starting partway through the year, this will help you input Year-To-Date totals.

    3. How to set up the payroll remittance - Important for ensuring you remit the correct amounts for EI, CPP, Tax, QPIP, QPP, WSIB, WCB, etc.

    However, for income related to fishing, which includes Box 78, Box 80, and Box 88, the system may not have these options available. You might need to manually enter this information on the printed T4 as per our article here.

    I hope this information points you in the right direction. For the specific case of fishermen, it may also be helpful to consult with a payroll specialist or accountant familiar with the fishing industry to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.

    If this helps please mark it as verified :)

    Warm Regards,