ROE - Incorrect Numbers

This is a long-standing problem (see previous posts in this and the archived forums). For a monthly pay period the ROE reports the number of hours for 14 periods instead of 13 periods and Insurable Earnings for 8 periods instead of 7. Why?? I have attempted to use the ROE feature ever since is was introduced years ago. It has NEVER worked correctly. I must manually extract the correct numbers from a Payroll Detail Report.

Why cannot this problem be addressed?

Every time a new version of SA appears with new features and cosmetic changes to the GUI I ask myself "Wouldn't it be better if that effort was spent on making the program produce correct numbers?"

Each year when I pay hundreds of dollars for the convenience of updated Payroll Tables I ask myself "Wouldn't it be nice if that money could be used to make the program produce correct numbers?"

I don't think that it is unreasonable to expect that the first concern of the authors of an accounting program should be that it should keep accurate records and produce correct reports so that the work of a business may proceed efficiently. We care less about 'features' and 'aesthetics.'



  • FormerMember

    Hi there:   LOL  -- This is totally frustrating isn't it.  I, too, have been asking myself the same things as you have.  But with each new release or upgrade the problem has been left and not fixed.  I had a problem with printing T5018's and the system not giving me correct numbers as well.  I have been unable to get any answers from anyone on why this area seems to be incorrect.  I posted my query on this Forum about a month ago and never got a response about it.  Anyway, I guess we will just have to keep on doing these things by hand!     Have a good day.  R Deering

  • FormerMember

    Hi there:   LOL  -- This is totally frustrating isn't it.  I, too, have been asking myself the same things as you have.  But with each new release or upgrade the problem has been left and not fixed.  I had a problem with printing T5018's and the system not giving me correct numbers as well.  I have been unable to get any answers from anyone on why this area seems to be incorrect.  I posted my query on this Forum about a month ago and never got a response about it.  Anyway, I guess we will just have to keep on doing these things by hand!     Have a good day.  R Deering

  • in reply to FormerMember

    I just printed an ROE for an employee who worked only one pay period and the numbers that pulled into the ROE rt were out to lunch! The employee only worked 33 hours and had $600.00in insurable earning and the report showed 273 hours and almost $6,000.00 in insurable earnings.  what is the point in providing a payroll service and reporting that can be so wrong? How can you ever trust the payroll reporting again?