Bi Weekly Payroll Remittance done Manually (using Purchase Invoice, pay later)


Ok so I want to make sure I am doing this correctly.  The finance girl was laid off last year and I was put in her place with no accounting background what so ever.  I figured out how to do the payroll remittance by opening the past ones she did. So here is what I do:


Report Type: Detail

Select All

Start: the first or the 16 of each month

Finish: the 15 or last day of each month

This gives me the GROSS (what I enter in the Payroll Remittance Form)

I compare the Net Pay with the DD Log to make sure it matches

Then I print the following:

Report/Payroll/Deduction and Expenses

Start and End : same as above

Select: CPP, EI, TAX

That gives me the amounts to pay along with the number of employees for that period.

Now that I have those numbers I go to my recurring payables and I post it as follow:

2185 CPP Payable

2180 EI Payable

2190 Witholding Tax Payable

If my remittance are for the 1-15 i post it as the 16. (should I post it as the 15??)

If my remittance are for 16-31 I post it as the 1st. (should I post it as the last day??)

That is what I am not sure that I am doing correctly.  Should I post it as of the 15 or the 31?

Then when I want to make the payment i go to:

Payment/Pay Purchase Invoice

Then I post it as of the day i pay it

Since I am starting a new year I want to start it properly.  Can someone tell me if I need to tweak anything?



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    verified answer

    If you post the 1-15 balance to Accounts Payable on the 16th, there will be a balance showing that you owe as of the 15th if you run the report again.

    If you post the 1-15 on the last day of the period (15th), there will be a zero balance if you run the 15th report again.   So...

    - post the payable on the last day of the payroll period.

    - Post the payment to CRA on the day that it is made.

    This is how the Remittance function works, only it's a one-step process that creates the two entries on the correct dates.

  • 0 in reply to RandyW

    this makes sence thanks i will do that from now on... the last girl used to post it the day she would do it which i believe is better the way you describe it.  I will try to set up the remittance and see how it works.
