More than two years of financials

If SAGE 50 can generate financial reports why can we not produce financial reports in Intelligence Reporting that go back further than two years. Perhaps we can and I'm missing something

  • 0

    This is due to the structure of the database. Any historical years are stored in separate tables and they do not exist until such time that there is historical data. For this reason the existing Financial reports only allow for 2 years. You could customise the reports though and bring those historical tables if they exist on your database.



  • 0 in reply to Desree Schravesande

    Thanks and sorry for the delay in responding.  Are there any templates out there to pull this information using IR?  I'm new to the software.  Surely somebody has done this kind of reporting before.  Historical data beyond the last year is very important and useful.  Our system has financial information back to 2008.

  • 0 in reply to Desree Schravesande

    Thanks and sorry for the delay in responding.  Are there any templates out there to pull this information using IR?  I'm new to the software.  Surely somebody has done this kind of reporting before.  Historical data beyond the last year is very important and useful.  Our system has financial information back to 2008.
