Show Totals Only on Departmental Income Statement

Hi. I have set our Sage 50 Canada (desktop) file to use departmental reporting. I have also set up the chart of accounts to allow for "collapsable" reports (for example, I can select Totals Only and print a more summarized income statement rather that having it show each individual account). I have learned I need to go into Reports, Financials, Departmental Reports in order to pull an income statement that will show each of our divisions on their own. However, this report does not give me the option to select "totals only" to produce a summarized income statement. This option is only available when I go to Reports, Financials, Income Statement. However, this income statement won't allow me to show each department on its own. When I choose "show departments" and I select one department, it always shows both departments combined into one.... Anyone have some tips/tricks when pulling departmental reports? Thank you!