Prevent other Users from Opening Y-E File


Hi There,

I just completed our Y-E and sent a copy of the file to our accountant. I saved a second copy and renamed it with our current fiscal year and told the other employee to use that file. I want to prevent anyone from using the previous copy that was sent to the accountant. Is there a setting in Sage I can enable to prevent anyone from using this file going forward?

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    Log into the file as sysadmin in single-user mode and change everyone's passwords to something else is one option.  What they don't know can't hurt your file.

    In your live file you should also log in as sysadmin in single-user mode and turn on the setting, Setup, Settings, Company, System, Do not allow transactions before xxx and enter the first day of your new fiscal year.  This will prevent users from posting to the previous year.

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    Log into the file as sysadmin in single-user mode and change everyone's passwords to something else is one option.  What they don't know can't hurt your file.

    In your live file you should also log in as sysadmin in single-user mode and turn on the setting, Setup, Settings, Company, System, Do not allow transactions before xxx and enter the first day of your new fiscal year.  This will prevent users from posting to the previous year.
