Need DB definition for Sales History Detail field (ITEM_TYPE)

I'm wondering if I can ask a more technical question here. In the DB table SALES_HISTORY_DETAIL, there is a field called ITEM_TYPE which seems to store values from 0-9. However in the Database Structure Help where with other similar fields the list of what each code means is giving, for this one it just reads "Reserved for internal use." 

Would it be possible to get the full definition for these codes? I can figure out some of them... but some numbers seem to overlap and I don't have the full picture. This would be very helpful in a custom report I'm building so that I don't have to link the full Inventory onto each Sales History Detail line item. 

  • 0
    after adding it to the report "Sales Detail by Product Code - Item"
    items listed as"1" were physical inventory,"5" non physical, and "2" as manually entered items which did not have a part number
  • 0 in reply to GUSB

    GUSB said:
    after adding it to the report "Sales Detail by Product Code - Item"
    items listed as"1" were physical inventory,"5" non physical, and "2" as manually entered items which did not have a part number

    Yes I tried figuring some of these out but there's a few discrepancies, though I see now I was initially thrown off a bit because I'm working with a company that had a few years of sales history imported so I had both physical and non physical items showing up in 0 and 2. 

    Anyways from what I can figure out I see...

    1,2,4 - Normal Items?
    3 - Comments
    5 - Non Physical
    6 - Kitted

    I'm not sure what the distinction is between all the normal items, and still not sure where Manufactured and Raw Materials fit in, should be 7 or 8. I could figure those two out but I'm more wondering about the normal items. Knowing what that 2 is now helps, but I'm not sure where the 4 came from. Looking it up there's a single item with that code which does exists in the inventory and has a few other sales that came after it that went into 1.

    So I'm wondering if there's some actual documentation for this somewhere, or if it's just something I need to figure out.

  • 0 in reply to GUSB

    GUSB said:
    after adding it to the report "Sales Detail by Product Code - Item"
    items listed as"1" were physical inventory,"5" non physical, and "2" as manually entered items which did not have a part number

    Yes I tried figuring some of these out but there's a few discrepancies, though I see now I was initially thrown off a bit because I'm working with a company that had a few years of sales history imported so I had both physical and non physical items showing up in 0 and 2. 

    Anyways from what I can figure out I see...

    1,2,4 - Normal Items?
    3 - Comments
    5 - Non Physical
    6 - Kitted

    I'm not sure what the distinction is between all the normal items, and still not sure where Manufactured and Raw Materials fit in, should be 7 or 8. I could figure those two out but I'm more wondering about the normal items. Knowing what that 2 is now helps, but I'm not sure where the 4 came from. Looking it up there's a single item with that code which does exists in the inventory and has a few other sales that came after it that went into 1.

    So I'm wondering if there's some actual documentation for this somewhere, or if it's just something I need to figure out.
