Batch Warehouse Transfer



I'm trying to transfer all of the inventory of one warehouse to another. Is there a way to do this as a batch rather than one item at a time?

Thank you,


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    Hi  , 

    Thanks for reaching out. To transfer inventory as a batch, you can utilize the Physical Inventory feature, which allows you to work with a range of items and process them collectively.

    Here's a streamlined process for your task:

    1. Backup your data before beginning the process.
    2. Navigate to Utilities and select Physical Inventory.
    3. Freeze the physical movement of inventory for accuracy.
    4. Choose the range of items for transfer and initiate the process.
    5. Use count sheets or a handheld device for an accurate physical count of items.
    6. After verification, resume inventory movements if required.
    7. Enter or import counted quantities to the system.
    8. Print and review the count variance report for any discrepancies.
    9. Adjust on-hand balance to reflect the batch transfer differences.
    10. If prompted, make the necessary general ledger entries to reflect inventory adjustments.

    Please proceed with caution and consider reaching out to a Sage business partner or support analyst if you encounter any complexities during the process.

    Warm Regards,

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    Depending on quantity and frequency of items that you need to transfer, check out MK Powertools; a utility that includes inventory warehouse transfers that is faster, easier, and has less chance of human error.