Is Sage retiring BusinessVision?


Hello all,

Hopefully someone can clear up or shed some light on the rumours that I have been hearing that Sage will be retiring BusinessVision in early 2014.  Is there any truth behind this?

Thank-you for any information that you can provide me.


Third paragraph in:

"The plan to phase out Sage 500 in five years was the only product for which Sage executives provided a specific end-of-life time line. Sage will eventually migrate Sage 500 customers to Sage ERP X3, said Joe Langner, executive vice president of midmarket solutions. But various Sage executives cited Sage Pro ERP, Sage PFW ERP, Sage BusinessVision Accounting and Sage BusinessWorks Accounting as products most likely to be phased out."

  • BusinessVision is considered a mature product. This means it has a limited life span as a current Sage product. There is no currently released "phase out" date and I presume the timeline you expressed is a bit premature otherwise they would not be going through the trouble of relasing a 2014 version. Only the Sage management folks know for sure so everyting else is speculation. Best guess is within 5 years.  Note: BV Essentials is ramping up alternatives to BusinessVision for the inevitable day Sage does phase out BV so you might want to have a look.

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    verified answer

    At this time there is no End of Life date for the Sage BusinessVision product. In fact, Sage BusinessVision 2014 is scheduled to be released shortly.

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    As Rick Davis, VP Customer Support, mentioned.  There is no retirement date for Sage BusinessVision and we are in the final stages before releasing version 2014.  Those making assumptions about the future of Sage BusinessVision are basing these on the fact that Sage has said publicly that we will be making investments in products such as mobile, cloud, and some of our other strategic ERP solutions that utilize more up to date technology to support these cloud and mobile solutions in the market place.  No mention of end of life for Sage BusinessWorks or Sage BusinessVision was made.

    Sage BusinessVision is a viable product and we will continue to support our customers for the foreseeable future and if we decide to retire any product in the Sage family due to technology reasons (such as we had to do with Sage Pro) we will work closely with our customers to support them in their transition and develop a mutually beneficial time frame for them to migrate to another Sage solution that meet's their business needs.

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    Yet, here we are in January 2014 (1.5 years after above quoted announcement, not 5 years) and we now know that this is the last quarter for 2 of these products.

    "As we enter the last quarter before the retirement of Sage Pro ERP and Sage PFW ERP, Sage is reaching out to the remaining customer community with a special EOL (end of life) migration offer". Note this document near the bottom of the page (Sage Investment Protection Program) and go to page 5 for details on Sage BusinessVision. Judging by this, Sage itself does not seem to hold out much hope for BV much beyond October 2014. So why are Sage executives not stating what we all already know? To be of any service, Sage needs to communicate facts not fiction. With responses such as the one provided by Sage, credibility becomes a serious issue.

  • 0 in reply to denlav

    We have been a long time user of BusinessVision and it is obvious that it is coming to an end. It is still on Crystal version 10 and Pervasive 10 which are both outdated and no longer supported by the vendors. No major improvements for at least 5 years. Getting a few new features a year does not count for major improvements.

    So the rumors are true and Sage just needs to come out and say it that they have no long term plans for BV.

    I recently heard that Sage even closed their offices in Toronto Ontario and that speaks for itself. The original owner of BusinessVision was in Toronto someplace so guess where these original developers are. Probably not even working for Sage anymore.

  • 0 in reply to susankenny

    Quite frankly none of us have anything concrete to go by. We only know what Sage tells us, which we can believe or not. Although, on the other hand, the signs are there of a product receiving considerably reduced attention.

  • 0 in reply to waltermuma

    Why did be get a call then from an Sage 300 partner saying that BusinessVision is being discontinued very soon and trying to get us on Accpac? It seems that Sage partners know more then the end users?

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    verified answer

    As Rick Davis and Drew Macbeth posted above, there is no retirement date for Sage BusinessVision.  This statement is still true today,  there is no retirement date set for Sage BusinessVision.  Sage is committed to supporting our Sage BusinessVision customers for the foreseeable future.  

    If a decision is made to retire any Sage product, we will provide ample notification to all affected customers and work closely with them to find another Sage product that will meet their business needs.

  • 0 in reply to susankenny

    Happy Birthday Crystal Reports 10!

    2004: Debuts new combined company with the slogan, "Our Future is Clear, Crystal Clear." Launches Crystal v10

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    What do you all think about the latest Sage Business Vision price increase mentioned by Gerhard Peters on the bottom of this recent article?