cannot log-in to BV

Business Vision is not recognizing the company when I try to log-in?  I have tried restarting the computer, but still no luck.  I am not very technical.  I apologize.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

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    Is the data files on a different computer? (Mapped Network Drive)

    Or is the data on the local machine?

    1. Is the Pervasive Engine Running?

    2. When was it last working?

    3. You have backups right? (Probably don't need it, but always good to have)

    4. Are you aware of any changes since it was last working?

    5. Where the Data is located, how is the folder structures setup?

        (e.g. "C:\BusinessVision\Data" or "C:\Folder _0001\Something Folder\Spaces Folder Spaces\")

  • 0 in reply to ICTNET

    Also, Make sure there are NO SPACES in the folder name of the data or any folder above it.

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    This only applies if the data is loaded on the machine you are working on. If this is BVdata that you have copied from another location to your local drive, then you will need to delete the ~PVSW.LOC file.  This is the Pervasive Gateway locator file which points to the computer (server) and folder which contains the data.