Price Lists beyond 20

Currently BV has a capacity for 20 separate customer price lists.   At one point I heard that they were planning on expanding that to 99.     Does anyone know if this is still in the works?


  • 0

    Hi Victord66;

    At this point in time it only has 20 price level and I'm not sure if they will expand it to 99.  Another way around this is the use the customer specific pricing that will let you set prices for each part for a customer.  Once you get one customer setup you can copy this setup to another customer and so on.  Their are no limites in customer specific pricing.  

    You will need to have purchased the custom pack module to get customer specific pricing.

    I hope this helps

    Thank you


  • 0 in reply to Penny Ehlers

    Thanks very much Penny.   Yes, we do have customer specific pricing for many customers, but I generally limit it to less than 100 skus.   Our inventory is over 13,000 skus, so doing csp would be somewhat unwieldy, no?    Also, there does not seem to be a fast way to delete customer specific pricing with an import.  I've had to resort to deleting one item at a time.   Is there a fast way to delete customer specific prices?

  • 0 in reply to victord66

    You are correct victord66 , at this time in time there is no fast way to delete customer specific prices.

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