Purchase Orders with Back-orders


When we generate a PO and receive goods, sometimes we have back-orders and these may takes days to months to fill.  During the interim we want to make payment and post to AP the payments to the PO for goods received.

Can we make partial payments to PO and our AP module without having to wait for that PO to be closed?  And if so how.

Thanks for any help, our accounting seems to be struggling with this a bit and I'd like to clear the confusion ASAP.


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    yes partial payments can be made without having to wait for a closed po.

    just enter as a new item in your payables (invoice) using the portion your vender has invoiced you for enter the invoice number as the reference number and click on the search button beside the po# box and select the po from the search list.

    As long as the po is open you should be able to make partial payments to it

    Note I believe if the cost of an item changes it will not reflect in your inventory until the po is closed.