Converting BV system time stamp to actual time


I am building a report that will break down daily sales per hour. With most things in BV when you add or change a record it updates a BVRVADDTIME or BVRVMODTIME database field with what I'm assuming should be milliseconds on a 24 hour clock. Doing some test though BV seems to be using something a bit more archaic. 

So I posted an invoice at 5:25PM. The BV time stamp was 17250723. Converting this as a millisecond count it converts to 4.79 hours, or 287.5 minutes.

I then posted another invoice at 5:30PM, the new BV time stamp was 17300656288. Treating it as milliseconds again and converting to minutes, this would read 288.3 minutes.

Subtracting the one time stamp count from another is 49933 ticks, which if this were milliseconds would only convert to 0.83 minutes. so what exactly is BV using here and how can I convert it to real time?